New Quote Page

As an added bonus this week, I thought I would create a new page of movie-related quotes and things. I kind of have a constantly growing collection of quotes on all subjects from all sorts of sources: books, movies, TV, articles, lectures, interviews, my endlessly amusing friends… Basically, since high school (which, if you’ve been reading along, you know was around 20 years ago) I’ve jotted down things I’ve read or heard that I liked – that resonated, that provoked, that made me think or laugh. These jottings have predictably accumulated over the years to what now amounts to a word doc that is over 130 pages long. Yes, I am a complete and utter quote geek. And now I finally have an audience with whom to share my obsessions. Lucky you!

Therefore, I have lots of material to choose from for a page featuring memorable lines from film as well as a number of quotes by filmmakers and critics about the filmmaking process and the value of same that I think are kind of cool. They’re not necessarily the most famous lines, just little snippets that have stuck with me over the years. I’ve also narrowed them down to quotes that, even when taken out of the context of the film in which they were said, still say something interesting about life, love, and people. Please, feel free to comment and suggest your own favourites as well. This page will be a work in progress that I will likely update from time to time. Check it out – I hope you find something on the Quote page that you like!

Don’t Hate Me Because I’m a Beautiful Blogger

Wow! First the Liebster Award and now this! Mike over at MikesFilmTalk has kindly nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger award. For those of you who aren’t familiar with his site, Mike is a prolific blogger not only about film (ranging from the mainstream to the delightfully obscure), but also about a diverse range of other topics whenever he has something interesting and insightful to say (which is often). He’s also still riding the wave of having his post on urban exploration chosen as a Freshly Pressed selection (for those of you not on WordPress, this is kind of a big deal – each day about twenty posts (out of the 1,000,000 plus that go up) that are deemed outstanding by WordPress editors get featured on Freshly Pressed) If you haven’t checked out his site, you should. Do it now. It’s okay, I’ll wait. Continue reading

Nerdapalooza: Out of this World Movie Costumes

I had the most amazing day on Saturday at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax. In addition to the usual land and marine life dioramas and exhibits, this summer the museum featured the traveling exhibit, Out of this World: Extraordinary Costumes from Film and Television. I’ve been anxious to get there all summer, and on this the last weekend, I finally made it along with Krista (from over at Bite-sized Travel – you can read her post on our visit here), L-A (from Fashionable People, Questionable Things), and another (non-blogger, but still very fun) friend. Continue reading

My Movieful Weekend: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Sunday: I had Breakfast at Tiffany’s…

For those who have been reading this blog from the beginning, you may remember I introduced the Oxford theatre’s 75th Anniversary classic film series in my post about going to see Casablanca on the big screen. On Sunday, I returned to the Oxford for a screening of the 1961 classic, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. This time I also remembered to take some pictures.

The Oxford Theatre, Quinpool Road, Halifax

Continue reading

My Movieful Weekend: Beasts of the Southern Wild

Saturday: I confronted the Beasts of the Southern Wild…

Quvenzhané Wallis as Hushpuppy in Beasts of the Southern Wild (Source)

I’ve had a difficult time writing this section of the post because I’m still not sure where I stand with Beasts. I think I had heard too much buzz about it before seeing it. Every critic, pundit, and filmophile has been singing its praises and predicting Oscar consideration since it first hit the festival circuit. And they’re probably right. This is exactly the kind of movie the Academy loves. But this type of priming around “Oscar buzz” reminds me of when The English Patient came out. Everyone went nuts for that movie. And if you weren’t totally crazy about it, even if you didn’t hate it, then clearly you didn’t know what you were talking about. Continue reading