A Jimmy Stewart Education

In the summer of 1997 I worked at a movie theatre. Around the time I was hired, the small-town theatre went from two screens to three – a big deal at the time. I sold tickets. I ate a lot of popcorn. I saw a lot of free movies. I collected movie posters. I flirted with fantasies of becoming a screenwriter while reading Syd Field’s tips on “How to Write a Screenplay”. And I met a lot of people who I would genuinely call “movie buffs” – regulars who would come to see whatever was playing just because they loved movies. Continue reading

My Movieful Weekend: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Sunday: I had Breakfast at Tiffany’s…

For those who have been reading this blog from the beginning, you may remember I introduced the Oxford theatre’s 75th Anniversary classic film series in my post about going to see Casablanca on the big screen. On Sunday, I returned to the Oxford for a screening of the 1961 classic, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. This time I also remembered to take some pictures.

The Oxford Theatre, Quinpool Road, Halifax

Continue reading

Casablanca: Bigger & Better Than Ever!

How old do I sound if I start off by saying they don’t make ‘em like they used to?

I’ve seen a lot of movies in my 38 years (I mean, a LOT of movies) and I have to say that Casablanca is perhaps my all-time favourite. I know that’s a BIG statement – it’s hard to pinpoint a favourite movie of all-time –  sort of like choosing an all-time favourite dessert. But Casablanca is mine and despite being 70 years old, I feel that snappy dialogue and intriguing characters never go out of style. I didn’t grow up in a place where we had routine access to independent theatres playing classics on the big screen, therefore my previous exposure to Casablanca had been alone in front of my TV.

Until now. Continue reading