Christmas Movie Madness

‘Tis the season for all of the holiday specials, Christmas movies, and related seasonal entertainment to be played and replayed ad infinitum on TV. I’ve noticed some new offerings this year (i.e. what’s with this hot-mess-looking-craziness starring Tori Spelling about rival holiday singing groups?) but I tend to stick pretty closely to the classics – the Christmas-wouldn’t-be-quite-complete-without-them holiday staples like the animated Grinch with Boris Karloff narrating, for one. I was home the other weekend flipping through the various Christmas options and my Mom astutely observed, “You know, a lot of Christmas movies aren’t very good”. So true, Mom. Sad, but true. Continue reading

Home Run Hits: Favourite Baseball Films

For all you faithful readers, you know from some of my posts that I enjoy the sports. My sport-related interests are as varied and diverse as my movie interests – I follow professional football (NFL) most closely, but as indicated in a previous post, I also enjoy the Olympics, and I get into the NCAA basketball coverage as well. This summer, I got to go to my first live MLB baseball game. It was at Rogers Centre in Toronto where my sister and I watched the Blue Jays defeat the Athletics 10-4 and we had a blast! Continue reading

Fall Movie Previews: My “Must-See” List

I love previews. I know a lot of people don’t care whether or not they catch the coming attractions shown before the movie starts, but for me, I derive almost as much entertainment value from the previews as I do from the feature. I get all excited about seeing upcoming films and lately I’ve seen a bunch of previews that have me hooked. So following from Saturday’s post where I summarized my mostly lackluster summer viewing, I thought I’d do a post that looks ahead to the fall and the potentially great movies that are coming out in the next few months. Continue reading