August, Osage County: A Study in Discomfort

Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, and Julianne Nicholson bring the somber in August: Osage County. (Photo credit)

Julianne Nicholson, Meryl Streep, and Julia Roberts bring the somber in August: Osage County. (Photo credit)

It’s right about now that I can be found frantically trying to catch up on all of the year’s best movies. Usually around the end of January I realize I have seen very little of note and am scrambling to fill in the blanks come Oscar season. With Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts earning Globe, SAG and Oscar nominations for their roles, August: Osage County was high on my awards-season must-see list. Continue reading

My Movieful Weekend: What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?

I spent this weekend in the beautiful city of Halifax watching movies. Yes, those readers from fair Halifax may judge me for that as it was a mostly sunny, hot weekend where outdoor and beach activities would be high on most people’s agendas. But that’s when I most appreciate the air-conditioned comfort of a good movie. Besides, as you read on you’ll realize Halifax offers a fantastic opportunity to combine these simple pleasures – movies outdoors. The range of movies included in my movieful weekend is quite diverse covers a span of 50 years of film-making. I couldn’t fit everything nice and neatly in one post, so I’m going to post this in three parts over the next few days. You’ll just have to stay tuned… Continue reading