A Fan Girl’s Guide to Britain

I just returned from a fabulous trip across the pond where some friends and I had many adventures in England, Ireland, and Wales. We found lots of fun photo ops that were motivated by our mutual love for movies and television. In the event you find yourself traveling in the UK and are in need of some pop culture inspiration, you might want to consider some of these British entertainment adventures.

For Harry Potter Fans:

Of course London is riddled with J.K. Rowling’s hero’s haunts and you can even take “Muggle tours” to get the full Harry experience (but not, apparently on Wednesdays, our only free day there). Denied the tour because of unfortunate timing yet being the intrepid fans that we are, we headed to King’s Cross Station one evening to find the magical Platform 9 ¾ where wizarding students can catch the Hogwarts Express. Continue reading

Happy Birthday to ME!

Yes, Popcorn Dinner just turned one recently. After 28 posts, 4 blog awards, and approximately 2750 views, I’m quite happy with my little experiment. I’m not sure how I’m “doing” in any objectively measurable standard of hobby blogging (if one exists), but I have my little core group of faithful followers and have settled into a fairly manageable routine of posting about once a month. I recognize that if I was more active, I would probably get more traffic, but I choose not to worry about such things. If I did, I think it would start to feel a little like work instead of the pleasant diversion from the daily grind that it affords. Continue reading